Course Outline

Module 1: AgileScrum Fundamentals

Icebreaker Game - Understanding the Core Elements of Agile

Scrum Brief review of framework roles, meetings, deliverables in Scrum

World Coffee—Testing what we really know about Scrum


Module 2: Agile Testing Fundamentals

What is agile testing? How is it different from traditional testing?

Agile testing process

The Responsibilities of an Agile Tester

Agile testing values

How do testers face the challenges of agile testing? 10 principles

Testing strategy under agile testing

 New feature testing and regression testing strategy

 Automated testing strategy


Module 3: Agile Testing 4 Quadrants

Technically oriented testing for support teams

Business-oriented testing for supporting teams

Business-oriented testing for evaluating products

Technology-oriented tests for evaluating products

UT/AT/UAT/FT/IT/SOAK Testing/Exploratory Testing/Performance Test/Load Test/Stress Testing/xxxLity Testing


Module 4: How testers participate in agile requirements management earlier

User role modeling Persona

user story

5Cs and Acceptance Criteria (AC)

INVEST guidelines

Relative Estimating and Planning Solitaire

Team velocity and release planning

User Story Mapping

Minimum Viable Product MVP and Iterative Planning Implementation


Module 5: The Work of Testers in Agile Sprints

Lightweight test plan and test strategy

Preparation before iteration

Test task completion and defect handling

iteration measure

iteration wrapper


Module 6: Agile test case sharing

Agile Agile testing practice of nt telecom monitoring system

Jingdong POP virtual product product line agile testing practice


Module 7: Agile testing landing

Round table forum to discuss agile testing implementation plans and action plans

 14 Hours

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